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MTHFR Mutation? Start Here to Learn!

MTHFR Mutation? Start Here to Learn!

TL;DR: The MTHFR mutation is common and can impact your health, but the effects vary depending on factors like diet, lifestyle, and environment. To support your body if you have an MTHFR mutation, focus on dietary changes (e.g., eliminating gluten and dairy), lifestyle adjustments (e.g., regular exercise and hydration), and avoiding harmful substances like folic acid and its side effects and certain medications. Key nutrients like methylfolate, methylcobalamin, and betaine can help support healthy methylation and are found in many Seeking Health™ products. Adjusting your supplementation routine based on how you feel and consulting with a healthcare provider to personalize your approach is essential. If you’re pregnant, look for supplements containing methylfolate and folinic acid to support a healthy pregnancy, as these support healthy methylation and DNA production.

What Do You Need to Know About Understanding the MTHFR Mutation and Nutritional Support?

genotypes for the MTHFR variant

The MTHFR mutation is relatively common, but its effects on individuals can vary significantly. This variation is influenced by other genetic factors, dietary and lifestyle choices, and environmental exposures. While the recommendations below can be helpful, it is crucial to recognize that outcomes from supplementation or lifestyle changes may differ for everyone.

Some recommendations require detailed explanations, which are beyond the scope here. However, if a recommendation is listed, it is critically important. The information provided here is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, or prescribe in any way. Use this information at your own risk, and always consult your healthcare professional before changing your health regimen.

What Are Key Recommendations for Supporting MTHFR Mutations?

couple at a table

Lifestyle, dietary, and environmental recommendations aren’t just for people with MTHFR C677T or A1298C variants (or however you prefer to label them). These are foundational practices that everyone should consider!

Whether you have an MTHFR mutation, figuring out what to eat and what not to eat, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and changing environmental habits can make a massive difference in your overall well-being.

Dietary and Supplement Guidelines

  • Limit ingestion of folic acid in fortified foods, as it cannot be processed effectively.
  • Avoid supplements or drugs containing folic acid. However, consult your healthcare professional before stopping any medications.
  • Avoid folic acid-blocking drugs such as birth control or methotrexate.
  • Refrain from using drugs that increase homocysteine levels, such as nitrous oxide (commonly used in dentistry).
  • Avoid antacids, as they inhibit the absorption of vitamin B12 and other nutrients.

Lifestyle Adjustments

doctor and patient
  • Start by seeking a knowledgeable healthcare professional familiar with MTHFR or willing to learn.
  • Identify which symptoms may be related to the C677T MTHFR mutation.
  • Have your healthcare professional measure homocysteine levels accurately and regularly.
  • Inform family members about the MTHFR mutation and encourage them to get tested.
  • If you’re pregnant, choose an OB/GYN or midwife knowledgeable about MTHFR.

Dietary Changes

  • Eliminate gluten, particularly wheat, from your diet.
  • Reduce or eliminate dairy. If necessary, opt for goat milk instead of cow milk.
  • Increase your intake of whole, unprocessed foods and prepare meals at home.
  • Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables daily ("eat the rainbow").
  • Limit high methionine foods if homocysteine levels are elevated.
  • Drink at least two liters of filtered water daily, enhanced with true electrolytes.
  • Environmental Considerations
  • Filter chlorine from your drinking water, shower, and bath.
  • Use an air purifier in your home and office.
  • Remove carpets from your home and install low VOC wood or tile flooring.
  • Avoid cooking, drinking, storing, and heating food or drinks in plastic containers.
  • Replace gas stoves and ovens with electric alternatives.

Additional Tips for Optimal Health

women doing yoga splits
  • Engage in activities that promote sweating, such as saunas, Epsom salt baths, sports, or yoga (one to three times a week).
  • Use castor oil packs over your abdomen during times of discomfort.
  • Incorporate a vegetable/fruit juice diet with chia seeds to support muscle comfort.
  • Eat smaller, frequent meals throughout the day, including a source of protein.
  • Limit protein intake to approximately 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
  • Choose grass-fed beef, free-range, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free meats and eggs.
  • Remove mercury amalgams and root canals with the assistance of a trained biological dentist.

While many pharmaceutical options are often recommended for MTHFR mutations, caution is essential. Many of these contain B12, B6, or folic acid, which aren’t ideal for your body’s needs. Plus, some pharmaceutical brands may include unnecessary additives like food coloring, dyes, and anti-caking agents that you should try to avoid. Some pharmaceuticals that are commonly prescribed but not always recommended include:

  • Deplin 7.5 mg or 15 mg (use very rarely)
  • Cerefolin NAC
  • Metanx
  • Lovenox
  • Baby aspirin
👉 Tip: While nutrients and pharmaceuticals can help manage MTHFR mutations, your approach should always be personalized. The right health choices depend on your genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. Work with a healthcare provider who understands your unique health needs and can help you make the right choices for your body.

What Are Some Nutrient Recommendations for MTHFR Mutations?

Handful of supplements

If you're managing MTHFR mutations, specific vitamins, minerals, and other compounds can significantly support your health and help your body function optimally, especially with methylation challenges. The following are key nutrients that may benefit you:

  • Methylfolate
  • Methylcobalamin
  • Betaine (TMG)
  • NAC (N-Acetylcysteine)
  • Glutathione
  • Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B6)
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  • Curcumin
  • Mixed Tocopherols (Vitamin E)
  • Silymarin (Milk Thistle)
  • Phosphatidylcholine
  • Nattokinase
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3
  • Comprehensive Multivitamin/Multimineral
  • Probiotics

These nutrients help support healthy detoxification, immune system function, energy production, and cognition. However, working with a healthcare provider to personalize your supplement routine is important because everyone's needs are unique.

Seeking Health MTHFR Support Supplements

Start your supplementation regimen slowly and carefully when you have an MTHFR mutation! You can trust the science-backed, high-quality ingredients in Seeking Health™ products for all your MTHFR support needs.

Products to start with include:

Optimal electrolyte

Optimal Electrolyte Potassium matters! Over 99% of women and 90% of men are potassium deficient, and magnesium deficiency is common as well. Electrolytes like potassium and magnesium are essential for supporting the healthy processing of B12 and folate, and supporting adequate hydration. Optimal Electrolyte is the most comprehensive way to get this support.

Probiota HistaminX

ProBiota HistaminX Learn to support histamine intolerance! Histamine intolerance is common among people with MTHFR mutations and is often linked to an imbalance in gut flora. Issues can arise if you lack histamine-degrading probiotics and have more histamine-producing strains. ProBiota HistaminX is designed without strains known to produce histamines and can promote balance with more histamine-degrading strains.

Multivitamin Sensitive

Multivitamin Sensitive (formulated without folate or B12) Prep your body for methylfolate and B12! Preparing your body first is wise before starting a multivitamin with methylfolate (a tempting choice for those with MTHFR mutations). Multivitamin Sensitive, a multivitamin free from folate and B12, can help ease your system into these powerful nutrients. Use Multivitamin Sensitive in combination with Optimal Electrolyte and ProBiota HistaminX for one or two months before considering the addition of methylfolate or B12.

👉 Tip: There's no rush to switch if you feel great with Multivitamin Sensitive. Your diet might already be supplying enough B12 and folate. However, if you decide to add them in, it's crucial to find the forms that work best for you.

How Do You Choose the Right Multivitamin for Your Body?

Women reading labels

Suppose you find that multivitamins don’t agree with you. In that case, it’s a sign that you may need to focus on healing your digestion, improving your diet, and addressing lifestyle habits before starting a multivitamin regimen. However, as your body adapts, monitoring which forms of folate and B12 work best for you is essential. Depending on the day or your specific needs, you may find that one type of multivitamin works better than another.

👉 Tip: Try having both a methylated B12 and folate multivitamin and one without. This allows you to test which combination feels best on different days.

Seeking Health Multivitamins

Seeking Health multivitamins are well-absorbed and comprehensive, with quality B vitamins, minerals, and no folic acid. To find the right one, consider customer reviews and your unique needs.

Multivitamins with methylfolate and methylcobalamin (best for higher homocysteine levels) include:

Which Methylfolate Side Effects Should You Watch Out For?

Women scratching back

Methylfolate can offer great benefits, but like any supplement, it can have some side effects. While doctors may not always highlight these, it’s important to be aware of potential reactions your body might have.

Here are some common side effects of methylfolate that you may experience:

  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Rashes
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Joint discomfort
  • Muscle discomfort
  • Poor sleep
  • Low mood

If you experience any of these side effects, it might be a sign that the dose of methylfolate you’re taking is too high for your body at this moment. Before making any changes to your supplement routine, it’s essential to consult with your doctor.

In some cases, your body may not yet be ready for methylfolate. There are steps to take before beginning supplementation to ensure a smoother transition.

Additional Seeking Health Supplements to Support Your Health

Along with your multivitamin, consider these additional supplements to further support your health:

Liver Nutrients

Liver Nutrients is an all-in-one liver support dietary supplement. This synergistic blend of nutrients and herbs supports the healthy metabolism of toxins and hormones in the liver. This formula also promotes normal glutathione production and liver cell regeneration.

Vitamin D3 drops

Vitamin D3 Drops provide a potent 50 mcg (2,000 IU) dose of the active form of vitamin D3 per single droplet. It’s delivered in a pure olive oil base without fillers, preservatives, or sweeteners. The fatty base supports optimal absorption of the fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin D3 Drops supports optimal bone health via calcium utilization and healthy immune system and brain function.

Fish oil

Fish Oil is burp-free, taste-free, and easy to swallow. It contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These important omega-3 fatty acids have many health benefits, including supporting healthy inflammatory responses, cognition, heart and cardiovascular function, and blood pressure.

By combining the right supplements and a thoughtful approach, you can effectively support your body’s needs and manage MTHFR mutations. Always listen to your body and work with your healthcare provider to find the best strategy for you!

How Do You Cycle Supplements for Methylation Balance?

Women rubbing her head

Methylation is all about balance. If it becomes excessive, you may experience some uncomfortable side effects. This is why it’s essential to adjust your protocol as needed.

Your body is dynamic, so what works one day might need tweaking the next. When you’re on the right track, you should notice consistent improvement. However, if you start feeling symptoms like:

  • Heavy or tired
  • Dry mouth
  • Irritable or “toxic”
  • Not quite right

These are signs that your protocol may need some changes. Listening to your body is key—these feelings could mean your body isn’t correctly eliminating toxins, which can lead to increased circulation of them. Your healthcare practitioner can work with you to determine the right balance so you feel your best!

How Do You Offset Side Effects?

a couple in a sauna

If you're experiencing discomfort, there are some quick ways to help your body reset:

  • Fast for 16 to 24 hours
  • Sweat it out in a sauna
  • Drink a glass of Optimal Electrolyte
  • Take Niacin to help support side effects

By paying attention to how you feel and adjusting accordingly, you can support your methylation process in a balanced and effective way. Always remember to work closely with your healthcare professional to fine-tune your approach!

How Do You Adjust Your Methylation Protocol?

If you experience any side effects from methylation supplements, it's a sign that you need to adjust your routine. Here are some ways to find the right balance:

  • Stop all methylation-supportive nutrients for a time.
  • Cycle your supplements: take them 4 days on and 3 days off.
  • Take them every other day.
  • Take them only in the morning.
  • Decrease the amount you take every other week.

What Are Some Prenatal Recommendations for MTHFR Mutations?

pregnant belly

When choosing a prenatal vitamin for MTHFR mutations, it's important to look for one that contains methylfolate and folinic acid but without folic acid. Unfortunately, quality prenatals like this can be hard to find.

There are some great options out there, though, that understand the importance of methylfolate and avoid the inclusion of folic acid. That's a step in the right direction!

However, it's important to note that having only methylfolate in your prenatal supplement won't be enough if you're dealing with methylation blockages.

Why Do You Need Both Methylfolate and Folinic Acid When You're Pregnant?

Here's a quick breakdown of why both are essential for your health and the health of your baby:

Methylfolate helps to:

  • Bypass the MTHFR mutation
  • Support healthy methylation

Folinic acid, on the other hand, is crucial for supporting healthy:

  • DNA base production
  • DNA repair
  • ATP (energy) production
  • Neurotransmitter formation

While methylfolate can convert into folinic acid, the process isn’t always that simple. Environmental factors can slow down the conversion of methylfolate to folinic acid—and vice versa. That’s why it’s best to use both forms.

Read Dirty Genes®, By Dr. Ben Lynch, for More Information!

Dirty Genes

Dirty Genes® is your roadmap to believing in better genetic health. Uncover the hidden clues your body has been trying to tell you, including an in-depth look at MTHFR mutations. Unlock secrets of turning genes “on” or “off” for wellness. Learn the latest nutrigenomics science in easy-to-understand terms. Get actionable, practical steps to create your perfect wellness plan. Cleanse your genes for your best genetic function and health.

This national bestseller by Dr. Ben Lynch will get you started on the right path to changing your lifestyle and working with your genes toward genetic well-being.

The Bottom Line

women taking a breathe in

Managing MTHFR mutations requires a personalized approach that combines lifestyle, dietary, and supplementation strategies. You can support your body's methylation process by prioritizing healthy habits like eating whole foods, staying hydrated, and reducing exposure to harmful substances. Key nutrients, such as methylfolate and methylcobalamin—found in many Seeking Health™ supplements—support healthy gene expression, detoxification, and overall wellness. While supplements can be beneficial, consulting with a healthcare provider to tailor your regimen to your specific needs is essential. The right approach will vary for everyone, but staying informed and attentive to your body's response can optimize your health and well-being.

MTHFR inforgraphic

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.