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StrateGene Report

  • Identify over 100 genetic variations over 9 different pathways
  • Visually see, and learn, how your unique genetic pathways function
  • Interprets your raw data from 23andme, Ancestry or SelfDecode
  • Access to StrateGene® Education
  • All reports are final and non-refundable ( DNA kit not included )
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Game Changer!

Strategene has been the key to understanding the genetic factors impacting my health problems. I now have a much more strategic direction in which to go to seek help. Thank you so much for providing this service. ~ Helen C.

Do you geek out over science and health stuff especially when it is relevant to you or your family? If so, then you’ll absolutely love StrateGene.

StrateGene is for you if:

  • You love science.
  • Solving puzzles is fun for you.
  • You’ve tried countless different supplements, doctors, and labs with some success, but you want to dig deeper into WHY you or your family members, are feeling the way they are.
  • You know that MTHFR is an important gene, but there are loads of others that are also very significant.
  • You’re frustrated with trying this and trying that without understanding if that is actually good for you even to attempt, or possibly make you feel worse

StrateGene® identifies over 100 genetic variations on 9 key health areas, known as Pathways.

  • Histamine
  • Dopamine
  • Serotonin
  • Folate
  • SAM
  • Methylation
  • Glutathione
  • Biopterin

Each of these pathways graphically illustrates how your genes work with each other.

Click here to see a sample StrateGene® Report

Keep in mind that the above sample report shows genes and SNPs that may or may not be reported on your report. The exact genes and SNPs that you will see on your own report will be dependent upon the raw data that you upload from 23andMe, SelfDecode, and AncestryDNA.

For example, the Histamine Pathway shows the enzymes responsible for breaking down histamine in your body.

If you struggle with high histamine levels, it could be related to a SNP or many SNPs in your Histamine Pathway.

Are you wondering if you’re part of the 50% of people with a MTHFR gene mutation? The StrateGene® Report will show you this in your Folate Pathway and in the context of your entire Methylation Pathway.

The SNPs analyzed in the StrateGene® Report have a significant clinical impact on health across many populations. By limiting the report data to well-researched SNPs, you and your health professional can formulate a targeted testing and treatment plan – faster.

  • The StrateGene® Core Report – You'll get a downloadable report with 8 Biochemical Pathways analyzed including Genes, Functional SNPs, Recommendations for Lifestyle, Food, Environment, and Supplements
  • Exclusive Access to the StrateGene® Education Portal – This online portal contains the educational resources you need to understand and use your StrateGene® Report.
  • Consults and Case Study Recordings Pathway Planner Training Conference Recordings
  • Dirty Genes Course
  • Dirty Genes Summit
    • "What To Do If Your Genes are Dirty" by Dr. Ben Lynch
    • "How Genetic Testing Should Be Interpreted" by Dr. Shelese Pratt
  • ABC’s of Clean Genes – Your Guide to StrateGene®

What Genetic Test Raw Data Can Be Used with the StrateGene® Report?

There are three types of raw data that you can upload to generate your StrateGene® Report:

  • SelfDecode: If you have not yet purchased a genetic test, this is the one that Dr. Lynch recommends. It comes with great reports, privacy policy is top-notch and the team is great! Purchase SelfDecode HERE and use the discount code SDDRLYNCH to save 10% on your purchase!
  • AncestryDNA: The StrateGene® Report will only work with AncestryDNA tests purchased AFTER May 2016 (Version 2 only). It is not compatible with earlier test versions or data.
  • 23andMe: The StrateGene® Report works with ALL versions of the 23andMe DNA test. However, depending on which version of 23andMe you have, some SNPs that were available with earlier versions will be missing from later test versions. (See chart below).

Genes and SNPs Evaluated by StrateGene®

The SNPs analyzed and reported in the StrateGene® Report are dependent on the raw data provided by SelfDecode, AncestryDNA and 23andMe. Seeking Health is not associated with these companies and will not be informed of any changes in their raw data. If raw data is not available, your StrateGene® Report will show this section as “Data Not Available.”

Key Differences Between Raw Data Sources

See which polymorphisms below are analyzed by each raw data option (SelfDecode vs. AncestryDNA vs. 23andMe).

SNP Comparison



How to get your StrateGene® Upload Report:

QUICK START (See below for detailed steps )

(That's it! No need to read further if you understood the above. You can stay on this upload page until your report is processed and ready to download (10 minutes or less) or wait for the email notification.

Detailed Steps for 23andMe

  • Download a 23andMe raw data file:
  • The file may take a while to download depending on your connection speed.
  • The file will download as a ZIP-compressed file. It may uncompress automatically on some computers, such as Macs.
  • Locate the download location and the file. The file name looks like this: "genome_Your_Name_v5_Full_20130731100557.txt" or like this: ""
  • Upload your file on this page to generate your StrateGene® Report:[email]

Detailed Steps for AncestryDNA 2.0

Detailed Steps for Self Decode

Since SelfDecode files are not marked with the user's name, if you are handling more than one person's file, make sure that you know which file belongs to whom, for example by renaming them, or organizing them into different folders.

  • Upload the file Here:

How To Download Your Raw DNA File

The file on the dashboard is the raw data we use to generate your analysis. You do not need to download and open this unless you wanted to upload your raw data.

Once you have uploaded your raw data, stay on the page (10 minutes or less) until your StrateGene® report is ready for you to download. You can also wait for the email notification (10 minutes or less) and access your report through the link we email you.

Please be aware that we do not store your information and your report download will only be available for 20 days from the date of upload. We do this to protect your personal data. If you do not download and save your report within this timeframe, you will need to repurchase StrateGene® and reupload your raw data.

IMPORTANT ACCESS INFORMATION FOR EDUCATIONAL CONTENT: We are delighted to inform you that all your bonus educational content is now available for direct access through your Seeking Health account! To view your courses, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Navigate to "My Account" by clicking the person icon on the top right of your screen.
  3. Click on Courses.

Your courses will load directly in your account, ready for you to view at your convenience.

Who may order StrateGene®?

This is available to retail customers worldwide. If you are a patient, we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional to receive advice on how to use the information in the StrateGene® report.

What our customers say

Real reviews from real customers.

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
Based on 58 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 49 Total 4 star reviews: 5 Total 3 star reviews: 1 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 3
93%would recommend this product
58 reviews
  • LR
    Laura R.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    3 weeks ago
    A little bummed, but overall satisfied

    I was hoping to get alot more from the report, but in all honesty the limitation is from the genetic data feeding the report. I had used the latest version of 23 and me which was better than previous versions (meaning more data) but still lacking. What I love about the report is that it provides both supplmental AND environmental/lifestyle factors which dirty or clean.

  • KN
    Kristin N.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    Very informative

    Very happy with my purchase! Very detailed and interesting report. Happy to have this information in my toolbox, every did on for my boyfriend!

  • TH
    Ted H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago
    Best Report for DNA

    This is the most detail I have seen from any report!! I know this is too much for some but not for me. The body is complicated and there is no good way to simplify it.